September 27, 2024Chelsey LoganOutreach ManagerChrysalis Center, Inc.Meeting will be held at FAVARH225 Commerce Drive, CantonThe meeting will be held both in personZoom will not be available for this meeting.
Sergeant-at-Arms Report -
Rotarians Present: 23
Visiting Rotarians: Jennifer Diedereich - Farmington Club (Prospective Member)
Guests: Terri Wilson - Speaker
Happy Dollars: 16
Raffle Winner: Tom Wood
Birthdays: Tom Wood (9/19) Noted that these things seem to come faster and faster but, it's getting better and better. It has been a great week in celebrating my birthday, my cousings 80 birthday yesterday, and my son being honored as one of the 40 under 40 by the Hartford Business Journal.
Salin Low (9/20) did not have as great a week as she turned 75 having spilled hot coffee which caused her to drop her phone knocking off the attached wallet which caused her to lose her credit and atm cards. She knows that it will get better.
Happy Dollars
Lauren Gardner wants to thank Johnny, Dick and Mike for panting the ramp at Focus. She is also looking forward to her baby shower this weekend.
Bill Budde said that he and Sue had a wonderful time taking the train to Washington, DC.
Terri Wilson was happy that the historical society received a $500 anonymouss donation. Both the amount and the fact that it was anonymous was rare.
Peter Vignati along with his wife Susan are heading off to a vacation in Poland and then Germany for 15 days.
Jennifer Diederich is happy to be here with some old friends. She is also going to Hawaii to present a paper at her Dental Academe's 75 anniversary meeting.
Phil Ferrari was happy that Greg DeManche donated Patriots tickets last week as he and his wife enjoyed the game, even if the Patriots lost.
President Deb spoke about the upcoming Foundation Lunch on November 3. She would like to organize table for us. You can register on line and contact he to be included in table seating.
Peter Vignati, Membership Chair, announced a membership event on October 10 at the Canton Historical Museum at 6:00 to 8:00. Members are encouraged to invite and accompany prospective members to this gathering. Peter handed out flyers to be distributed to advertise the event.
Joanne Santiago, Foundation Chair, announced the annual Foundation Recognition Brunch on November 3 at Noon at the Delmar Hotel in West Hartford. Click on the link below to register:
Terri Wilson is the president of the Avon Historical Society, she was first elected in 2008. Terri joined the Society when she moved to Avon in 1991. A graduate of Simsbury High School, she has a BA in Political Science and Spanish from Eastern CT State University and a MA in Spanish from Middlebury College. She enjoyed an 18 year career serving on the staff of CT federal and state elected officials when politics wasn't like it is today! Later she was head of government affairs for the state's credit union association and her last position was as assistant director of a medical device non-profit in Hartford. She took early retirement in 2017 to be her mother's main caregiver and continue her volunteer activities. Terri is also the volunteer manager of the Sperry Park kiosk for the Farmington Valley Trails Council and assists her husband, Lee Wilson, with his VFW and American Legion activities on a local, district and state level.
Carrie Wilson, the president of the Avon Historical Society, provided an overview of the society's upcoming events, including the preview opening of the new Avon History Museum on November 17th and the grand opening on July 4th, 2025 - one year before the 250th anniversary of Avon. Carrie discussed the recent discovery of the Brian Jones archaeological site along the Farmington River, which dates back over 12,500 years and is the oldest human occupation site in southern New England. She explained the significance of the site and the plans to feature it in the new Avon History Museum. Carrie outlined the various exhibits and programming that will be featured in the new Avon History Museum, including a dedicated space for the Brian Jones archaeological site, an exhibit on local immigration history, and a partnership with the Avon Library to host a Smithsonian exhibit on human origins. Carrie summarized the key upcoming events and milestones for the Avon History Museum, including the preview opening, grand opening, continued fundraising, and plans for landscaping and signage. She invited the group to get involved and stay engaged with the museum's activities.
Special Announcements
None this week.
Mail Bag
None this week.
Photo Credits
Mike Mezheritskiy
Technology Credits
Zoom platform management expertise by Mike Mezheritskiy.
Editor's Notes
Submission Deadline: Members are kindly encouraged to submit all materials for each week's Early Riser as early as possible. Please note that some editions may be published and distributed as early as the Saturday following our meetings, and during those weeks further contributions to the Early Riser will be included in the subsequent week's edition.
“The FOUR-WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do”:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all Concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?