The meeting will be held both in person and via Zoom.
Watch for an email from the Club for Zoom access and
please note we use a recurring ID for your convenience.
Sergeant-at-Arms Report
Rotarians Present: 33
Visiting Rotarians: None
Happy Dollars: $16
Raffle Winner: None
Fines:None today.
Robin DiNicola (7/12)
Happy Dollars
Steve Horenstein's daughter is getting married on 7/27 in Newton, MA
Joanne Santiago wanted to thank everyone who donated to the Rotary Foundation. She noted that if everyone donated at least something, it would make her look very good.
Yvonne Gardner shared how much they are enjoying their seasonal home in Wells, ME
Jolly Lux is happy that she will have the opportunity to speak to the club and noted that she is heading to Uganda on the 16th.
Linda Pendergast ishared that she turned 80 on June 30, which she spent celebrating with her family in ME. Too much applause, she spoke about still being here 4 years after having been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Bill Barnes challenged our math ability by remarking that he was born on the 160 anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. He also let us know that Tom Vorhees got tangled up with a couple of dogs, who were having a disagreement, and took a bad fall. Tom is home recovering.
Bob Cave went out to dinner with his grandson and the grandson's girlfriend. He was hoping to hear that they were engaged. No such luck, but he did hear that the happy couple is expecting and will need to be in their home by Janaury.
Arnie Goldman is glad to be back after successful knee surgery.
A thank you note was received from Hilda Sands for our very successful senior picnic.
President Deb reminded us about the need to sell sponsorships and advertising for the golf tournament. we are also going to be doing much more social media for the tournament and our sponsors.
Rotary District 7890's Night at Dunkin Park: Hartford Yard Goats Game at Dunkin' Park, Hartford, CT on July 27th - Game Starts 6:10 PM. Come enjoy a great day at the ballpark, followed by fireworks and $6 of every ticket sold will go toward the “End Polio Now Campaign”.
Mike DelGuidice - Under The Stars - A Benefit Concert for Favarh: Friday, September 6th at 7PM at the Simsbury Meadows Performing Arts Center. An encore performance by singer-songwriter & recording artist, Mike DelGuidice, currently touring with the iconic Billy Joel. (Purchase tickets here:
Avon Canton 2024 Annual Charity Golf Tournament: Monday, September 9th at the Golf Club of Avon. Registration starts at 10:30 AM. Lunch starts at 11:00 AM followed by a shotgun start at 12:00 PM. (More details to come)
Induction of New Members
None this week.
None this week.
Community and International Service Grants
None this week.
GLO Clean Water & Horticulture Projects
Jolly Lux
Our own Jolly Lux was introduced by President Deb as needing no introduction. Jolly shared the accomplishments of her organization, its amazing growth, and Rotary's help.
Jolly, provided an in-depth update on the organization's greenhouse farming initiative in Uganda. This included details on establishing a solar-powered water system, growing high-value crops like sweet peppers and watermelons, and training local high school students in sustainable agriculture practices. The goal is to generate revenue to support the organization's other programs, including a medical clinic. With the success of the initial greenhouse and farming efforts, the organization plans to expand the program to more schools in the region. This will involve installing terraced gardens and growing a variety of fruits and vegetables. The aim is to teach students hands-on agricultural skills that they can then share with their communities, helping to address food insecurity and malnutrition. The speaker discussed the organization's funding model, noting that they receive no government support and rely entirely on private donations and fundraising efforts. They have developed strategies to make the programs more self-sustaining, such as selling excess produce to generate revenue. However, the speaker expressed concerns about the organization's ability to continue scaling up its work if demand for services continues to grow.
Special Announcements
None this week.
Mail Bag
None this week.
Photo Credits
Photos by editor
Technology Credits
Zoom platform management expertise by Mike Mezheritskiy.
Editor's Notes
Submission Deadline: Members are kindly encouraged to submit all materials for each week's Early Riser as early as possible. Please note that some editions may be published and distributed as early as the Saturday following our meetings, and during those weeks further contributions to the Early Riser will be included in the subsequent week's edition.
“The FOUR-WAY TEST of the things we think, say or do”:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all Concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?